Daniel’s Work Placement by Julie Barclay

Daniel left Pennine Campus College in July 2017 and shortly after he finished there, he started at a community centre called ‘The Bridge’ which is run by his support worker, who recommended Daniel should start attending there.

Shortly after he started the club they received funding to set up a local cafe. So, in October 2017 the cafe opened, and Daniel started working there with his support worker and a couple of his friends with similar needs to Daniel. His job is to clear the tables and alongside his girlfriend Stacey he serves light snacks to customers. Daniel has developed a good relationship with the regular customers, and he is always polite and happy while he’s working.

Even though Daniel can’t really hold a conversation properly with the customers they do have a lot of fun as most of the customers are quite elderly and have a lot of time for Daniel and his friends. I’ve visited the cafe a few times and he’s settled in so well and I’m so proud of what he has achieved with the right support.


Annabelle’s Speech by Kristine Allen